Monday, November 27, 2017

What I Liked most about being in 2J this year was...

What I have enjoyed in 2J has been many thing. The first thing I have enjoyed  is all the art knitting an sewing  that we did I loved sewing and knitting plus art is my favourite thing to do. Another thing I have enjoyed  I all the lovely things I have learnt. Now I know many things. My last reason and most important reason of all, is having a great teacher who is really kind, caring and fair. Mrs Jenkins would  always help me and everyone else in the class in many ways.
By Evie

What I have enjoyed this year has been sewing. I've enjoyed knitting and want to learn crochet but sewing is my particular favourite. I'm always impatient  to do sewing and whenever Mrs. Jenkins says that if we do our best we will do sewing, I try and do my best. I hope we do sewing next year. Another thing was art. Since my whole life I loved art. I would doodle if I had to and I loved colouring. If I colour something I always put my effort into it. I want to always impress my teacher in art. Something else I enjoyed was topic talks. When I started kindergarten and year one I read off a sheet of paper but in this class, you need a lot of confidence. I have all the confidence in topic talks and it's helpful because I would need to use palm cards or do it by heart. I really like topic talks because it also improves my confidence. The thing I enjoyed the most this year are the tests. Every class has tests but this class has challenging tests. We would have to look on the blog and some questions that are in tests. I want to improve my knowledge and this class is the right one.
By Amitya

What I have enjoyed in 2J this year has been sewing for Mothers' Day because I have made different kinds of patterns. Another thing  I have enjoyed in 2J this was making the Fathers' Day apron because my dad told me he was impressed with the apron I made. He uses it every day for preparing food. Henceforth I've enjoyed doing tessellations. I have enjoyed 2J this year by doing glorious activities.
By Om

What I have enjoyed in 2j this year has been that Mrs Jenkins has taught so many things I did not know. In 2j we always do fun things like craft, sewing, colouring and s on. Another thing is that I have made honest wonderful friends and class mates. Thirdly I have always enjoyed year two and was looking forward to it. Lastly I am going to miss year two and Carlingford, since I am leaving.
By Caitlin

What I have enjoyed in 2J this year has been every single piece of work that I have done with my lovely teacher Mrs Jenkins. One thing I really liked was making Christmas decorations for my tree. Another I liked to do was challenging maths questions. It is so fun breaking it by step by step. there was one more thing that I liked and it was geography. I like geography because I learn interesting facts and thank you to my dear teacher Mrs  Jenkins.
By Shreya
what I have enjoyed in 2J this year has been most of the things in 2J.I liked doing trading with numbers and I liked to spelling I liked doing all things in 2J.
By Kody
I enjoyed playing sport. I enjoyed playing volley ball, cricket and soft ball. I liked doing blue box and grammar. I also enjoyed sewing, knitting and making Christmas decorations. The best thing I enjoyed was doing trading with subtraction. Lastly I enjoyed doing division.
By Yyoung
What I have enjoyed in 2j this year.
I have enjoyed knitting, sewing and English. Why knitting entertained me calmly. sewing taught me how to do better knots also faster knots. English  made me have  better handwriting. But the best thing loved was story writing not just because it gives me better handwriting it gave me better imagination.
by Aleks
I have enjoyed the excursion to the Powerhouse Museum in 2J I learnt a lot about sound. When it was Pancake Tuesday I liked making and eating them.I liked going to the library. I loved learning subtraction with trading. Lastly I extremely enjoyed sewing.-
by Marcus

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