Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Writing Goals in 2J

In 2J we work towards specific writing goals and progress through different skills as our writing increases in complexity. 
Here are our writing goals that are related to the NSW Literacy Continuum.

Cluster 4
We are learning to...
* plan before writing
* write 1 or more sentences
* sometimes use capital letters
* sometimes use full stops
* use joining words
* use pronouns
* read my writing
* use spaces between my words
* spell essential words on List 1
                                               * write the first sounds I hear

Cluster 5
We are learning to...
* plan before writing
* write 4 or 5 sentences
* mostly use capital letters correctly
* mostly use full stops correctly
* write simple and compound sentences
* use different adjectives
* use different verbs
* use different pronouns and nouns
* read my writing
* use spaces between my words
* spell essential words on List 1 and 2
* write the first and last sounds I hear

Cluster 6
We are learning to...
 * plan before writing
* write 6 or more sentences
* mostly use capital letters and full stops
* use commas
* use question and exclamation marks
* use compound sentences
* use different adjectives and verbs
* sequence my ideas in order
* read my writing
* check my writing makes sense (tense)
* use spaces between my words
* spell essential words List 1, 2 and 3.
* write the first, last and middle sounds

Cluster 7
We are learning to...
 * plan with labels before writing
* write 8 or more sentences
* use capital letters and full stops
* use contraction apostrophes eg. I’m
* use capitals for proper nouns (no SnEaky capitals)
* use different adjectives and verbs
* use language features eg. alliteration and similes
* sequence my ideas in order
* use sequencing words eg. after that
* spell essential words on List 1, 2, 3 and 4.
* use spelling rules eg. es, ed, er, ing
* check my writing makes sense (tense)

* reread and edit my writing

Cluster 8
We are learning to...
 * plan with labels or brainstorms before writing
* write one or more pages
* use quotation marks for direct speech
* use commas in lists
* write sentences that make sense
* use key words in writing
* use a variety of adjectives and verbs
* use language features eg. metaphor
* use a variety of sentence starters
* spell unfamiliar words
* use the editing checklist and show changes in my writing

* proofread and makes changes

Cluster 9
We are learning to...
* plan including labels or  questions or mind map or organiser before writing
* write more than one page
* use words for a specific purpose (Why? To entertain or inform or persuade)
* use interesting words for a specific audience
* use a variety of spelling strategies to spell essential words correctly in Lists 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
* proofread by rereading while and after writing to check for spelling, clear order, making sense and purpose (Why? To entertain or inform or persuade)
* choose a variety of verbs and adverbs to show ideas and details
* choose a variety of adjectives and nouns to show ideas and details
* use a variety of language features eg. alliteration, similes and metaphor

* use the editing checklist and show changes in my writing

Click on this link to read about what is happening in the news. Click on Year 2.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Week 10 Journal entry: The nicest thing I have done for someone was...

The nicest thing I have done for someone was cheering them up. Their name was Eleanor and she has a lot of tantrums. When she calms down I ask her a few questions. After that she rests for sometime and afterwards  she cheers up and plays.

By Amitya

The nicest thing I have done for someone was playing with a girl because I saw her crying so I cheered her up by. Playing hide and seek and let her win a game.Her name is Larthara
By Jamieson

The nicest thing I have done for someone was when I helped Isabelle. When she fell over I took her to the teacher. I helped her walk to the girl’s toilets to wash the cut. She hopped to the office and the office ladies fixed her up. We played the hole lunch time. It was so much fun. We are now best friends forever. We are lovely friends and never fight.

By Evie

The nicest thing I have done for someone was helping them when they fell down. Sometimes I look at people who have no friends. I play with people who have no friends until they are not sad.
By Christian
The nicest thing I have done for someone was helping them. I always help my mum clean up our house. I clean the dishes, clean my room and sometimes I make breakfast for myself so mum doesn’t have to. I like helping my mum and I will never stop.

By Kiara
The nicest thing I’ve done for someone was when my friend was hurt. I helped him stand up and I took him to the teacher. The teacher put a bandage on him. My friend’s name is Kenneth. Kenneth is a tall boy. I play jail games with Kenneth. Kenneth is seven and a half years old.
by Om

 The nicest thing I have done for someone was playing with them after they were sad it was fun.
By Finn

This week in 2J week 10

Monday: Homework  write out and learn 5 times tables and spelling each night. Excel Maths and English unit 4. Typing each night for 10 minutes. Studyladder and Khan Academy for extra work.
Spelling words for this week are: cook book look hook foot stood gave give once friend made thing spin ladies women venom causes
Tuesday: reading groups.
Each day children will continue their research and publishing of the information report on spiders.
Wednesday: reading groups, Library. Don't forget your library bag.
Thursday: reading groups
Friday: computers. Sport so don't forget your sport uniform. Assembly K-2
One week left of school for this term.

Easter hat designing and making with our buddies later this week. Don't forget to bring your desing and materials you need to make it.

On Friday we will start sewing. This is the kind of cotton you need to get from shops like Hot Dollar.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Week 9 Journal entry My best friend ...

My best friend is Aanya.

She is very kind and sometimes she can be funny. We have playdates and that is so much fun.
Aanya has some nice craft in her house. She let's me take some craft home. We will always be
best friends.By Shreya

My best friend is Jia because she is very caring and always there for me when I need her. We have known each other from pre school. We have lots of fun and play together every day we are bffs.       By Evie

My best friend is Sophie
because she is very sweet and kind. She is always there when I need her. when I fall down she picks me up and cheers me up. Her family is kind too. I have been her friend since I was in year 1. I like Sophie and I'm never going to forget her.
by Kiara

My best friend is Dennis because I went to his  house and he came to my house also played  ipad  together .
by Yyoung

My best friend is Xin yan. He is a GOOD friend. He also sometimes comes to my house and we play a Game called jail.
by Marcus

My best friend is Asher because he is so nice and funny. Mathias is funny too but today Asher is more funny. Alex looks so cool for crazy hair day.
by Finn

Sunday, March 19, 2017

This week in 2J

Monday is Crazy Hair Day. Don't forget to bring a gold coin and wear mufti.
Homework: Excel Maths and English Unit 3
Tables: 5 times write out and learn each night.
Spelling : Write out words and learn each night.
Typing: practise your typing for10 minutes each night.
For those children wanting extra homework you can log on to Studyladder, Mathletics and Khan Academy.
Thursday: Harmony Day. Don,t forget to wear your national costume or something orange.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 8 Journal entry: I was most happy when... Please read and leave a comment.

I was most happy when my dad built my sister Caitlin and I a cubby house because it replaced  our trampoline that broke from tough wind. My dad built it out of timber and see through material. It is fun to play in because we have tables chairs and a fake kitchen and food. we enjoy playing in it. By Evie
I was happy when I stared Year Two because I was having Mrs Jenkins.
we have learnt about nouns verbs adjective and pronouns.
I am happy having great class mates.
by Jamieson

I was most happy when I was at the waiting for my uncle to come out, because I haven't seen him in a long time. I will be happy if someone else comes to Australia.

by Kiara
I was most happy when on Saturday I was the happiest in my life because my family was getting a puppy.named Bently and he is as cute as ever. Now my puppy can be very happy. and stop tearing the house to pieces any more. I love puppies.
by Isabelle.

I was most happy when I got a Beyblade because I can verse someone. I want a big one so it will never explode.
by Yyoung

This week in 2J Week 8

Monday: Homework  Unit 2 Maths and English. Write out spelling words and 5 times tables each night.
Wednesday: Library. Don't forget to bring your books back so you can borrow.
Friday: St Patrick's Day. Computers and Sport. School Disco
Don't forget to post comments on the blog!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 7 Journal entry. My favourite season is...

My favourite season is Autumn because I was born in Autumn and it is the end of Summer. It is so lovely and colourful, especially I like the colour changing of the leaves. I chose it because it is the
colourful! season.
By Shreya
My favourite season is Summer because you can:
 go to the beach
go to a water park
swim in the swimming pool so that you do not get hot.
by Jamieson
My favourite season is winter because that is when it is my birthday. It is extra fun when my Grandma comes. I love to go to the snowy mountains in winter. Winter is the best season ever.
By Hannah
My favourite season is spring when all the flowers come out and. there are new born animals. It is my favourite season.
By Caitlin

This week in 2J

Monday:  Today it is Shreya's birthday. She is 7 today.
New homework books arrived. Please pace yourself so that you can finish the unit by Friday. You need to still write out spelling and tables each night.  It is 5 times tables this week.
Remember to practise typing.
Tuesday: School assembly after recess
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Scripture
Friday: Computers, Assembly at 2:30 Sport please wear sports uniform.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Isabelle's pancake recipe

Text Type: Procedure

Purpose: To tell how something is made

Audience: Year 2 and visitors

How to Make Pancakes

On Tuesday 28th February 2J made pancakes with our beautiful teacher.

2 cups of self raising flour
About a litre of milk
1/4 cup of sugar
2 eggs
I large mixing bowl 
A wooden spoon
Electric frypan
A whisk
A spatula
A measuring cup
A plate 
A pouring spoon


  1. Put 2 cups of SR flour into the mixing bowl
  2. Add about 1 litre of milk
  3. Add 2 eggs and start to stir the mixture.
  4. Add the sugar and stir well.
  5. Put butter on the frypan
  6. Spoon the mixture onto the hot frypan
  7. When the pancakes bubble now you can flip them over.
    By Isabelle
  8. When they are golden you can lift them off and sprinkle sugar on them

Now you can make pancakes for your family