Monday, August 28, 2017

Week 7 Journal entries. Some things I find hard are... Please read and leave comment

Some things that are hard for me are division because when you do division the answer will be tricky because of the sign. Another reason is when you do the dividing part. It is tricky.
By Om
Some things that are hard for me are being a goalie in soccer because i have to stop balls from going inside the goal. I have to kick the ball away from the goal if i catch it.
by Jamieson

Something that are hard for me are typing because when I type I awlays need to look at my fingers,so I need practice.
by Elsa

Some things that are hard for me are Lego because if i make something very interesting i show my mum but all the time it falls apart or a piece falls off and it rolls somewhere. I can't find it but sometimes nothing goes wrong. If i know if it is to be broken I ask my brother to do it because he is more steady.
by Aleks

Tangrams Click below to find out more.

Today we learnt about tangrams. We learnt that a tangram is made out of 7 pieces. A tangram was named after a Chinese man who dropped a tile and put it back into different shapes.

This week in 2J

Monday: Library. Excel unit 19 Maths and English. Spelling words to write out and learn.
Tuesday: Continue with homework and finishing off Elizabeth Farm, Information Report and Dreamtime story.
Wednesday: Continue homework. If finished everything log on and do Reading Eggs.
Thursday: Continue homework . Computers and Scripture
Friday: Knitting. Bring homework in. 2J hosting Assembly.

Monday, August 21, 2017

This week in 2J

Monday: Library. Homework Unit 18. Spelling words and 3 times tables. continue with your knitting.
Tuesday: Homework and finish off any recounts and information reports and dreamtime stories.
Wednesday: Literacy Day for Bookweek. Healthy Harold today.
Thursday: Computers and scripture
Friday: Homework due and sport. Don't forget to bring your knitting.

Monday, August 14, 2017

This week in 2J

Monday: Library. Homework Excel Unit 17. Spelling and 5 times tables Tuesday: Miss Youssef's last day. Wednesday: Continue homework Thursday: Scripture and Computers Friday: Homework due

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Week 4 Journal Writing : It is important to tell the truth and not lie because..

 It is important to tell the truth and not lie because if someone finds out and tells your parents you will be punished. By Meldaan

It is important to be honest and not lie because if you lie people might think it is true when it isn't. lying can become a very bad habit because when you start to lie you will do it again and again. If you lie to another person and the person will spread the news but then yo tell everybody that it is not real. By Evie
It is important to be honest and not lie because if you lie and a teacher already saw you and told your teacher she will already know you're lying. Don't lie anywhere or any time other wise you'll get in trouble.
By Om
It is important not to lie because If you lie you could be in serious trouble so don't lie. If you lie and blame it on someone else then that person will get into trouble and that is not good.
When you are honest you do not get into trouble. I don't like to lie.
by Isabelle

Monday, August 7, 2017

Today, Monday at Elizabeth Farm with Mrs J's group. This was the farm of John and Elizabeth Macarthur the famous wool growers of early Australia.

The garden 

How plants were brought to Australia on the ship in this container.

The kitchen at Elizabeth Farm

Cleaning our shoes before entering the main part of the farmhouse.

Caitlin  wearing a bonnet that Elizabeth Macarthur  wore.

The Drawing Room where the women sat after meal.

Playing some games of the day scubas quoits, hoops and skittles.

Experiencing how the people in these days used to do the washing.

Writing with a quill using ink.

 Heading back to school after an exciting visit to Elizabeth Farm.