Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 9 Journal entries: My Ultimate Adventure

I was at the shops and I saw a raffle. You had to pay two dollars to go in the draw, to win a cruise to New Zealand. I participated in the draw. A day later I found out I had won. I travelled on the ship. I was on the ship when I heard the sirens turn on and the speakers said we had hit something and we couldn't move. Everyone had to evacuate in a blowup boat and we had to make it back to shore.
By Hayden

My Ultimate Adventure started like this. My family had died when I was a little girl. I was all by myself. To survive I danced for money to buy food. Then someone took me to an orphanage. Some adults came and took me and raised me. They took me to thier house. When I was at my new home I was happy to be there.

My Ultimate Adventure was awsome. I found lions, tigers, snkes, spiders and all other animals, then I raced into a river. I thought it was a swimming pool, but it was a pond full of fish, stinging fish. I was terrified of the river so I ran past the finishing line. BANG rushed the gun. I freaked, I jumped crazy and ran all the way home but the door was shut.

My ulimite adventure was when I got to vist the army camps. Everyone was trying the gun. I got to try the C4-shotgun. The captain said that I had very good aim because I shot the small target. When I shot the target I was super proud of myself.  The next thing I did was to try on the uniform but it was around six sizes too big. I finally got to see the tanks which were dusty and smelly, also very loud. My favourite part was when I got to go on a featured ride it felt like I was in the war with all the noise and guns. Well that was my ulimite adventure.

My ultimate adventure wasn't any type of adventure, it was extremely superb. I couldn't beleve my eyes. I had seen my favorite cricketer SACHIN TENDULKAR. He had been my idol in cricket and I used to go go to his every match. Sadly he has retired, but still I am his biggest of his biggest fan. I will never forget him.
By Garv Verma

"Who wants a story?" I called. All four children ran over and sat down. My ultimate adventure was when I read a book. No ordinary book though it was such a enticing book, so enthralling that I ended up in it. The book was called "The Book of Teleportatiton." I teleported in and had the most wonderous time with authors long before I was born. Artists so famous that your minds would be blown. They said I was bluffing. I kept my secret safe with myself because.. "BRIAN! STOP DAYDREAMING," Mrs J called at the top of her voice.
by Brian


  1. Fantastic story's guys they where so convincing and awesome
    Sophie S

  2. They were all great stories that you wrote for the journal entries.


  3. Those were some great journal entries

  4. I love all of your stories. Some of them very pretty funny.
