Monday, March 2, 2015

Week 6 Journal entries. When I looked out the plane window...

When I looked out of the plane window, I saw a beautiful clear sea. I lent forword and saw a skull shaped island. As we were landing I saw a flooded place. My mum chattered to us "Here we go." We were finaly in Fiji. My sister and I were so excited. As we got off the plain we ran and got a flower neckalace from the Fijian ladies. We were spending seven days in Fiji and couldn't wait.


The ladder to safety was very high, and I only had a couple seconds until the thing pried the door open. I took my chances and climed up. The rusty metal on the ladder screached every time I took a step. When I was half way to safety there was a hole in the wall with a tv. The tv had a plane flying around. As I looked out of the window on the  plane there was a flashing sign that repeated the same word  "It's me, It's me." Suddenly there was a load thud on the ground. The thing had climled slowly up the ladder. My legs were tired but I couldn't give up yet. As the thing grabbed my legs I heard a loud "Ding Dong" from the main clock tower. It was  six 'o' clock.


When I looked out of the plane windowI saw our destination, England.Soon we would have a snowball fight and doze off at a nearby hotel.As the plane screeced to a halt my sister and I bolted out the door. As we stepped out the freezing air slapped us in the face and sent a shiver down my spine.While mum and dad went to book a hotel for the night we played in the snow and made a snowman. Night finally came and we dozed off at a peaceful hotel that mum had chosen.


When I looked out of the plane window I saw a helicopter trying to shoot at us I looked at the engine on the wing and it had been shot by the helicopter. The plane was going to crash so I put on my wing suit and jumped off it. I was gliding through the air and finally landed. I  was surrounded by blown up buildings and horror screams with blood everywhere.


When I looked out of the plane window I saw rain and lightning. The plane shook, and the captain suddenly asked the pasengers to fasten their seatbelts. In my head I was wondering what happened or what could happended. I was trying to sleep because it was so late, but I couldn't. It was too uncomfortable. Everybody looked so worried, I wonder why. Babies were crying, adults were worrying and childrens were playing loudly. I was flying from Australia, to Malaysia to see my family, but didn't know if we would make it now. I pinched myself then I woke up.



  1. All the stories are very interesting and the tension is nail biting. The twist in some of them are so unexpected. These people have the needed potential to be great authors. These stories also spark my creativeness and are really inspirational.


  2. Wow all of these stories are really exiting and scary great job guys

  3. I agree with Brian, great job guys!!!!!

