Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 10 Journal entries

This week's 100 word challenge isbut it said ‘sweet’ on the wrapper…

It was my 10th birthday and the party was over. I did not open my presents yet, though one said ‘sweet’ on the wrapper.  That one is interesting, but why would it say ‘sweet’? I asked my mum if I could open the present, but she yelled “no!” I told her “But it said ‘sweet’ on the wrapper.” Then mum showed me a ‘fine’ face, so I opened it. It was leading me to somewhere. It said “Dear Annie, happy birthday. This is a simple gift for you. From” it did not state who it was from? I was starting to get a bit scared as mum brought something round in saying someone dropped this at the verandah of our house. I wondered what it was.

My mum had taken me so many times to the shops. There was one chocolate bar that was called " sweety fun" it just looked so good. I asked my mum once again if I could purchase it... she finally agreed. We drove back home I opened it and stuffed it in my mouth. I started to get a dull face. It was so bitter, but it said sweet on the wrapper. I was so disappointed. Then a miracle happened it turned so sweet.

I walked to the shops with mum hoping to get some food and what do you know I did get some. Mum and I walked to Woolies and I ran for the lollie section and grabed some chewing gum but mum said I was only allowed to open it at home. Once we where home I riped open the cover and pulled out one stick of gum. I put it in my mouth and after a few seconds I could taste it but it was the most bitter thing I had ever tasted but it said 'sweet' on the wrapper. Then I read the rest and it said bitter then sweet. It was true, I could then start to taste the sweet bit. It then tasted like cotton candy,strawberries and then cottin candy that tasted like strawberries then popping candy.


I rolled the lolly covered in a fina powder in my hand. It was a dark brown lolly that did not look at all tasty. As i was about to insert the lolly into my mouth I paused for a brief moment. It smelt like something that had been coated with strawberry and chocolate. I grinned knowing that nothing could go wrong. I quickly put the lolly in my mouth. I felt like it was sawing my tongue off. It tasted like expired tuna, but it said 'sweet' on the wrapper. The taste had grown worse and tasted like my mum's cooking. The powder melted on my tongue and  turned into the sweet strawberry chocolate  flavour I had smelt before. I let the taste roll on my tongue before swallowing.

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