Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week 7 Journal Entries. "My Hands" Please read and leave a comment.

I stare at my hands, they stare back innocently as ever, not knowing what grief, they have caused, what crime they have convicted. What pain they have inflicted, or what suffering they have seen. Yet they carry out my duties, my orders without the slightest question. They comfort me when I am in pain and aid me when I have something to say. They carry my burdens. They handle my affairs, and they still look as innocent as ever as they have nothing to say.
My hands were boiling hot and the coffee and hot pie were both on the ground. The pie  exploded like a volcano erupting. The coffee cup smashed and looked like a hundred of ice pieces that had broken up. Then there was a loud shriek that came from me. Suddenly mum appeared and put my hands under the tap and the cold water poured out. I think there was even a bit of steam coming off my hands. Quickly we ran into the car and drove down to the hospital. We walked over to the front desk and mum asked "Can you please help him?" Mum showed the nurse my hands. The nurse said "Sure, can you wait two minutes?" We replied "Sure." Two minutes later the doctor came in and gave us some wipes and said,"Use these twice a day and only for two weeks." Two weeks later my hands were back to normal.
"My hands are way cleaner that yours Jack" I said. "Are not" he replied with an angry look on his chubby little face. We were playing outside with Bella the dog. Mum told us to come inside so we could wash our hands and eat. She said, "If you wash your hands and eat all your food, you both shall earn ice-cream." We both loved ice-cream! We washed our hands, ate all our food and waited for ice-cream. Mum told us that she ate the last one yesterday and that there were none left. That meant no ice-cream for us. She said "I hope you two have learnt your lesson for fighting with each other." We said yes and started fighting again.

My hands were as crinkly as an old lady's hands. I had been in the pool for three hours. I loved the pool. You get to do whatever you want, but sometimes you might get into trouble and faint, that rarely happens though. My favourite thing to do in the pool is a back somersault. My back somersault makes me feel dizzy. When I hopped out of the pool I felt as cold as Antarctica. I felt really cold, but it was just the wind that made me feel cold
My hands are brown and small. They belong to me no one else. They are helping things to me. They are strong and tough but are soft as feathers. 'Clap Clap' that’s how strong they sound. They are fast as lightning when writing, but they are slow as elephants when climbing. My hands are shiny as a star in the night.



  1. Wow amazing story guys

  2. great story's guys
    Sophie S

  3. Wow, great stories on the journals they are all very creative and I loved them all.

  4. Good writing, keep it up!

  5. These stories are fantastic keep the hard work up.
    Charlotte H
