Monday, February 9, 2015

Welcome to 5/6J 2015 class blog.

On this blog the children's work will be showcased as well as events that happen in our class. This blog is moderated by me and only comments that I approve will be published. 
I hope you enjoy this blog and post comments to encourage the children.
Thank you for your support. Mrs J

This is our first writing of the year

Journal Entries 100 Word Challenge

Suddenly the sky became darker...
Slowly the sky became darker, the sky broke into lashes of thunder and lightning. The shadows danced around while a full, silver moon rose into the sky. I was at home staring out the window waiting for her to return.
About a year a go my sister disappeared without a trace. The police never attempted to look for her. They said they had other priorities at the time. Everytime it rained I could hear her calling out to me. I grabbed my umbrella and rushed outide. "Crystal!" I called out. "Cha-lotte-I-re," a faint voice replied. I turned around and I saw her standing there all messy and ragged. "Where were you?" I asked. "I can't tell you that," she repied. Still to this day she refuses to tell me where she was.
Charlotte G

Slowly the sky became darker. Lightning flashied all over the place. The safest place was to be inside the house or to be in an undercover area.
My mum wasn't at home or at the shopping centre which made me worry, because my mum was camping where there wasn't any cover shelter for about another kilometere or so. I hoped my mother would be safe.
My mum didn't come back for many, many weeks but one day a woman came up to my door and gave me a hug. It was strange at first but I swished away her hair and found it was my mum.

Slowly the sky became darker and the street lights turned on. A huge storm passed by and I was really scared as there was lightning and thunder. I hid under a blanket the whole time but the noise was so loud one of my cups shatterd .When the storm passed I went down stairs where my mum and dad were sleeping. When it became day time I ran out side and rode my bike from my house to the blue mountains. I was so tired so I got a drink and raced to my house as fast as I could.

Slowly the sun became darker as it sank below the mountains covered with ice and snow.The two brothers both walked merrily through the peacefull forest with full bellies as they had a great feast at their parents house .They enjoyed the walk back home as it was very peacefull.It was 9:39pm when they arrived home so they went to bed that was when they heard the loud thumping of feet outside.

All thought the night the sky slowly became darker and darker. The storm became stronger  and more dangerons. No- one sleep. there was no power and the roads were flooding. All the dogs in the street were barking and the babies were screaming and crying all throughout the night.

Slowly the sky became darker as all of the people rushed to their houses and locked every door. Everyome knew what was going to happen. The buffalos are coming. They whould take one person or a family somewhere horrible. That's what the people in the world are saying,  except me because I'm only one who has been in there. I'm pretty lucky. No one knows that I'm a buffalo.


  1. Wow these guys did a fantastic job at there journal

  2. Everyone's story is great! ^_^


  3. These stories are magnificent and are really full of nail biting tension and descripsion.

    Brian :)
