Thursday, February 12, 2015

5/6 J Have written some Persuasive Texts on Homework is Necessary. Please read and leave a comment.

Text type: Persuasive

Purpose: To put forward a point of view to convince the reader

Audience: Year 5/6J and visitors

Homework is Necessary

I strongly believe that homework is necessary in all children and teenagers lives. Homework will help students gain good habits for life as an adult. It helps children understand things that they may not of understood in class and homework makes sure that students will have to stop using their electronic devices.


Think about it, what if children didn't learn how to work hard at school and home? They would struggle to be employed to a good job and keep it. Your kid will never become a doctor or a lawyer if they spend their time procrastinating instead of doing there homework. Homework will help students gain good work habits which will help take their first step into the adulthood.


Children and teenagers may not of understood everything in class that day, homework can help by making students review what they did. Parents can always give another point of view on that one maths problem that you didn't understand or help you get ready for your science test. Having your parents help can also be fun and make you and your parents bond stronger.


Unless you need to do research or need to use the computer for your homework, students should always avoid their electronic devices. Homework will keep students avoid these devices by giving students other priorities. Research shows that listening to music can be very distracting but there are some exceptions. Listening to Mozart can help the mind concentrate and students will feel more relaxed.


Homework is very important and is necessary in all of our lives. It helps us to be ready for anything in the future,helps us understand things better in class and stops us from becoming squared-eyed from our computers. Homework isn't really that boring, so concentrate hard when it comes to homework because without homework, life will be very challenging.


Charlotte G
Text type: Persuasive
Purpose: To put forward a point of view and convince the reader
Audience: Year 5/6J and visitors
Homework is Necessary
All students must receive homework for many important reasons. Homework gives students a chance to revise the work that they have done at schools, make them explore new things, and help them develop good habits that will help them when they are older.
Homework gives students a chance to revise the work that is done at school. If students practice the homework they are given, they will recognise the work that is given at school or in a test. Revising homework
is like memorising your times tables, if you practice your homework regularly, you will be able to remember important pieces of information.
Homework makes students research different things, making their knowledge broader. A vast amount of people receive assignments about different subjects like awesome Antarctica, the dashing Daintree Rainforest, and major issues like the gruesome global warming. This makes students explore new sources of information that can improve their vocabulary, spelling, mathematics, and researching skills.
Furthermore, homework can teach children good working habits that will help them when they are older. If children do homework by themselves without pestering their parents, it will teach them how to be independent and get work done faster, these skills are very important for when they get older and go on to high school or university.
In conclusion, students must be given homework because it gives children the benefits of being able to revise their school work, improving their knowledge, and good working habits. Don't you think homework is necessary.
By Seren

Text type:Persuasive
Purpose:To put forward a point of view and convince the reader.
Audience:Year 5/6J visitors.
Homework is Necessary              
The word "homework" is a word dreaded by children but loved by parents all over the world. Yet it is a necessary part of all of our lives for three important reasons. One, it helps children to receive some revision from a long unfocused day. Another reason is, they will learn independence and with a little coaxing they will do their homework without getting pestered by their parents. Finally, it prepares them for later life as their parents also have to take work home.
A day at school is torturous to some, but luxurious to another group. It is during these last hours that the child's concentration drops significantly and a there is a noticeable change of behaviour. This might subside in later hours such as 7:00PM. This is a perfect time since extra-curriculum activities usually end at 5:00PM. Two hours are enough for necessary activities such as dinner if they don't dawdle. Their revision during the night will help them, for their heads are empty as a dry sponge. The knowledge will seep into the brain like water. They will be sure to remember their work.
Independence, is what our parents are speaking about these days. The importance of this topic is more important than you think. The benefits of homework are not short lived. Slowly good habits form and usually they stick for the rest of their lives. Sometimes coaxing is needed to help the child in his/her habit forming state. This usually has little impact on the family's economy or to the child's benefit increases his/her weekly allowance.
This fact may shock children but even parents need to take work home and do it at home. Even the teachers, the ones who give the homework need to do the dreaded homework. This also helps them to start working at night and it trains up their initiative to do jobs without being asked.
In conclusion, a world without homework. A place every child including myself would want to go. If you all just have a little think and a brainwave hits you then you will realize that a world without homework would be horrible. The international economy would collapse, people would starve, the whole world would grind to a halt, all because you and a few million more kids would not do your homework.
Brian Guan



  1. Everybody is so convincing and my parents were also convinced!


  2. WOW! Good job everyone, my family and I are all convinced!


  3. All of these expositions are very convincing!

    Mrs G

  4. Great article. Thanks for the info, very helpful. BTW, if anyone needs to fill out a form 6j , I found a blank form here: and
