Monday, March 24, 2014

Why I want to become a night zookeeper 100 word challenge Hi, my name is Skye and I am about to tell you why I would like to become a night zookeeper. I love animals and I will do whatever I can to help these unique species. To be a zookeeper I will be responsible and do my best. These monsters from Nilth are not going to get what they want if I’m at the zoo. You and I as a team will be able to beat these monsters to bits and save these animals. I know I would be a great night zookeeper so get ready monsters from Nilth. By Skye


  1. Excellent work Skye.I think you would be a great Zookeeper at Nilth.


  2. great journal entry Skye i liked how you wrote the monsters aren't going to get what they want if you were there if i was in charge of the night zoo i would defiantly pick you.


  3. Spectacular writting Skye and if I had to recruit a night zookeeper I would definitely choose you.

