Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 5 Journal entries: If I could grow anything on trees it would be... Please read and leave a comment.

If I could anything grow on trees it would be rubies, because they would make me beautiful . I would have a lot of earrings, necklaces and bracelets and more . I wish I could be rich ,I would have thousands of dollars.


If I could make anything grow on trees it would be rubies because I could be very rich and have earrings made out of rubies and dreeses made out of rubies. I could also give some of my rubies to poor people.

If l could make anything grow on trees it would be a phone because l could call people and play games.

If I could make anything grow on trees it would be lego because I would like to sell it because lego is expensive.

If I could make anything grow on trees it would be rubies because they are the second precious gems. I am lucky because I am getting some rubies. If I wanted to grow anything more it would be gold
because is the most precious metal and I am getting it to`

If I could make anything grow on trees it would be a time machine. I would like to grow a time machine because I want to hear how I sounded like when I was a baby or before the dinosaurs
were extinct, I would also like to travel in the future and past but not the present. I would also like to travel to the last Smiggle shop that I  visited. I would like to travel to the time when dinosaurs became extinct because I could collect all the dinosaur bones. I would like to travel into the future to see what type of new machine that would be built. It would be useful to me because I could see the interesting things from the past and the future.
by Anibal


  1. What an amazing bunch of students you are, 2J! We have princesses, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, scientists, and more! Keep up the great work!
    -Mr. D

  2. If I could grow anything to grow on trees it would be lots of brothers and sisters, R.

  3. wow that is amazing all of you
