Monday, July 31, 2017

This week in 2J. Our journal writing topic this week is: The best present I ever received was...

Monday: Library. homework this week is Excel Test 2 page 42 Maths and English (4 pages) Spelling words and 3 times tables. Write out and learn. Topic Talks
Tuesday: Open Day at CPS.  Parents can visit the classroom 10:25 am. Continue with homework. Topic Talks.
Wednesday: Continue with homework. Topic Talks
Thursday: Scripture and Computers Topic Talks
Friday: Homework due in today. Topic Talk catch up. Sport

 The best birthday present I ever received was my favourite toy that my friend Stella gave to me at my ice skating party. It is a pink poodle puppy. I remember the poodles head sticking out of my pocket. Every toy game I play the poodle is in it.
by Issie

The best birthday present I ever received was a smiggle watch. It had a pink button and when you press the pink button you will glow. I received this present on my seventh birthday. My neighbours came over and the neighbour who gave me the watch was a girl called Jaanvi. I loved that present.
By Amitya

The best birthday present I ever received was a ninja go Lego set. It had red and black ninja clothes. The bad guys had a snake helmet. The ninja had weapons. The weapons were both swords. The colour of the weapons were gold. The boss of the bad guys was a purple snake with red eyes.
By Om

Monday, July 24, 2017

This week in 2J

Monday: Library. Homework Excel Unit 15 Look for pictures of your family and your grandparents.
Spelling in your homework books as well as 3 times tables.
Tuesday: Continue homework Topic Talks
Wednesday: Topic talks Don't forget to look to see what day you are presenting your topic talk.
Thursday: Scripture and computers
Friday: Homework due. Assembly

Week 2 Journal topic: What I want to know

One thing I want to learn about is how life was in the past. I want to learn about the past because it is interesting learning how life was in the olden days. I also want to know how my parents lives were when my parents were my age.
By Kiara

One thing i want to learn about is the largest sea animal. I am very interested about the largest because it might have fantastic facts. The largest sea animal might have saved someone. If i was ever going to learn about the largest sea animal, my ears are turned on.
By Amitya

One thing i want to learn about is electronics. Electronics look fun because you get use stuff that is powered. it looks super fun.
By Finn

One thing I want to learn about is ice boarding. I want to learn about ice boarding because it is really cool and fast. I always feel excited and ice boards going to make me very exiting.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Week 1 term 3

This term we will be learning about Families Present and Past. The students have filled in a family tree with your assistance. Later this term we will be going on an excursion that is linked to things of the past. If you have any photos that I can photocopy and hang in the class that would be appreciated. 
The Topic Talks this term have been sent home and are also in your child's homework book. Each child should have goal to present a two minute talk to the class on the set topic. The days to present are the same as previous terms.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Welcome back to Term 3. The journal topic for Week 1 is : The best thing about the holidays was...

The best thing about the holidays was when I went to the skate park in Cherrybrook. I was riding with my scooter and I scooted in the really deep bowl. The bowl was a scootering bowl where people scooter. I went in there and that was the best thing in the holidays.
by Aleks

The best thing about the holidays was when I had I  had my cousins come over from New Zealand. We also walked slowly around the Opera House. After lunch we bought some ice cream. Finally we took a train back. by Mathias

The best thing about the holidays was when I travelled into the city and had high tea. After we had high tea we walked over to the Opera House. At the Opera House We watched Peter and the Wolf. The orchestra told the story of the wolfs eyes. Every instrument represented a character, like the flute represented the bird. I loved watching the orchestra. I want to watch another one. By Evie  

The best thing about the holidays was going to AMF Bowling with my divine friends. I had lots of fun with my friends because it was my first time having a birthday party with my Australian friends. the presents that they gave me were great as well.
By Kiara

The best thing about the holidays was fling to Adelaide with my family.
We also travelled to Uluru by car. This was the best holiday because I had a play date with my cousins for the first time.
By Jamieson