In 2J we work towards
specific writing goals and progress through different skills as our writing
increases in complexity.
Here are our writing goals
that are related to the NSW Literacy Continuum.
Cluster 4
We are learning to...
* plan before writing
* write 1 or more sentences
* sometimes use capital letters
* sometimes use full stops
* use joining words
* use pronouns
* read my writing
* use spaces between my words
* spell essential words on List 1
* write
the first sounds I hear
Cluster 5
We are learning to...
* plan before writing
* write 4 or 5 sentences
* mostly use capital letters correctly
* mostly use full stops correctly
* write simple and compound sentences
* use different adjectives
* use different verbs
* use different pronouns and nouns
* read my writing
* use spaces between my words
* spell essential words on List 1 and 2
* write the first and last sounds I hear
Cluster 6
We are learning to...
* plan before writing
* write 6 or more sentences
* mostly use capital letters and full stops
* use commas
* use question and exclamation marks
* use compound sentences
* use different adjectives and verbs
* sequence my ideas in order
* read my writing
* check my writing makes sense (tense)
* use spaces between my words
* spell essential words List 1, 2 and 3.
* write the first, last and middle sounds
Cluster 7
We are learning to...
* plan with labels before writing
* write 8 or more sentences
* use capital letters and full stops
* use contraction apostrophes eg. I’m
* use capitals for proper nouns (no SnEaky capitals)
* use different adjectives and verbs
* use language features eg. alliteration and similes
* sequence my ideas in order
* use sequencing words eg. after that
* spell essential words on List 1, 2, 3 and 4.
* use spelling rules eg. es, ed, er, ing
* check my writing makes sense (tense)
* reread and edit my
Cluster 8
We are learning to...
* plan with labels or brainstorms before writing
* write one or more pages
* use quotation marks for direct speech
* use commas in lists
* write sentences that make sense
* use key words in writing
* use a variety of adjectives and verbs
* use language features eg. metaphor
* use a variety of sentence starters
* spell unfamiliar words
* use the editing checklist and show changes in my writing
* proofread and makes
Cluster 9
We are learning to...
* plan including labels or questions or mind map or
organiser before writing
* write more than one page
* use words for a specific purpose (Why? To entertain or inform
or persuade)
* use interesting words for a specific audience
* use a variety of spelling strategies to spell essential words
correctly in Lists 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
* proofread by rereading while and after writing to check for
spelling, clear order, making sense and purpose (Why? To entertain or inform or
* choose a variety of verbs and adverbs to show ideas and
* choose a variety of adjectives and nouns to show ideas and
* use a variety of language features eg. alliteration, similes
and metaphor
* use the editing checklist and show changes in my writing